Friday, April 15, 2016

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What a great image we find in Psalm 24!
It's a wonderful Psalm to read as spring approaches. Of course, it's wonderful any time of the year!

'The earth is the LORD'S.' This is a great comfort when troubles arise. It also is a great reminder that God is in control. He established the world and everything in it.

'Who may ascend the hill of the LORD?' Anything to do with the LORD must be grand, holy and awesome. It must be desirous.

'He who has clean hands and a pure heart.' The question is clearly answered in the next verse. It goes on to say that this person does not lift up his soul to an  idol or swear by what is false. I think to myself no one really has clean hands and a pure heart. We're born sinners. It is easy for us in our natural state to lift our souls to idols and we have no idea what truth is. But, belief in Jesus, God's Son, changes things. Belief, which brings the Holy Spirit, opens our minds and hearts. And amazingly, we are covered so God can't see our sin. He sees His Son, who died for our sins. 

'He will receive blessing.' And vindication from God. I'm thinking blessing from God is probably good! Indeed, the Bible is filled with His many excellent promises that richly bless, given to those who believe and endure.

'...Those who seek Him.' Seek and ye shall find. We usually find what we're looking for and we arrive where we're headed. If your not headed in the right direction, change before it's too late.

'Lift up your heads...' Here is where I think of the daffodils in spring. 
'that the King of glory may come in.' The King of glory is strong and mighty in battle. He can fight and win. 
'be lifted up, you ancient doors.' Old, ancient, long ago doors are called to be lifted up. God does not forget His promises. Amazingly (again!), God does choose to forget our sin.

For I will forgive their wicekness
and will remember their sins no more.
Hebrews 8:12
God is amazing! 
Happy spring. I am hoping you are praying to the God who made the daffodil.
May the King of glory come into your heart and the hearts of those you love.

Friday, April 1, 2016

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Copyright 2014

'The flow that washes like a sea'...
Oh, Forgiveness! How good to be forgiven!

Our prayer should include asking God for forgiveness. In the beginning of 1 John 1:9, we read: "If we confess our sins". I looked up some synonyms for the word 'confess' and here is a short list: acknowledge, admit, allow, avow, concede, disclose, divulge, own, reveal. Many people know that the first step for an alcoholic to get better is for her to first admit she is an alcoholic. 

Now, 1 John 1 points out that some people believe they have no sin. The devil wants God's creation to accept this. But,

If we claim to be without sin,
we deceive ourselves
and the truth is not in us.
1 John 1:8

People who go through life believing they are perfect in their own way will some day have a rude awakening. Many believers have prayed (and are still praying) for their loved ones to come to their senses. Keep praying...God is listening! I have a dear friend who prays for his unsaved relatives often and I pray for him to have peace about it. 

He who conceals his sins does not prosper,
but whoever confesses and renounces them
finds mercy.
Proverbs 28:13

God looks at the heart. I should have begun with the word 'If', which is how the verse begins. That is really the biggest word in this verse. God has given us all free will and many will not confess their sins. 

But those who do find mercy. 

And forgiveness. And purification...because He is faithful and just. It (our heart condition) is prayerfully trusting God for His word and His promises. 

We did not have a snowy winter this past year here in my neck of the woods, as I have already mentioned in a previous post. The milder winter has made the waterfall across the street and down in the gorge quieter this spring. Usually, it pours so loud we can hear it at the house with the windows closed. Only after a rainy day and when I stop to listen can I hear it. Come summer, we won't hear it unless we go to it. 
I encourage you to stand near God's waterfall and experience grace, forgiveness and love.