Sunday, May 15, 2016

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"He who has ears, let him hear."
Matthew 11:15

Who do you listen to? Have you developed ears to hear God? 
Do you know that God is the Commander-in-Chief? 
And He has given all judgement to His Son, Jesus.

"If you love me, you will obey what I command."
John 14:15

These are the words of Jesus. He explains in verse 31 of the same chapter that He does exactly what His Father commands. 

"Whoever has my commands and obeys them,
he is the one who loves me."
John 14:21

In order to have the commands, we must first hear them. And in order to hear them, we must first believe.And in order to believe, we must have a heart that trusts.

Obedience is essential because it leads to righteousness while disobedience leads to death. Having ears to hear God and choosing to be obedient is the best place one can be. Is it easy? Not always. But it is the goal.

The birds have returned to our woods. This time of year is always my favorite! The veery thrush is a wonderful, mystical-sounding bird. We have spotted a pair of robins building a nest in a colorado blue spruce and a pair of goldfinches on our yard, the male bright yellow. A hummingbird flew up to my window where I have had a feeder in past years. So, I quickly went into the basement, retrieved the feeder, made my sugar and water mixture (use pure cane sugar cause they don't like the cheap stuff) and hung the feeder. They are feasting now.

Ask God, in prayer, for ears to hear Him. 

May you trust and follow the way of Love. 

Sunday, May 1, 2016

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that blossoms in the spring. That's because:

He who belongs to God
hears what God says.
John 8:47a

Have faith in God and He will reveal truth to you. We can know truth, as it tells us in verse 32 of the 8th chapter of John. We can't really know truth without God. This brings me to another Bible verse:

Jesus answered, "I am the way
and the truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father
except through me."
John 14:6

Jesus is the truth and no one goes to God without first going through His Son, Jesus. 
Christians are the ones who have decided that this statement Jesus made of Himself is true. 

Trilliums take years to bloom for the first time. Red trilliums are considered illegal to pick in New York. They bloom before the white ones. Then, there are many white ones scattered over the woodland floor. I am blessed to have both kinds of trilliums in our woods!

I hope you will be praying this Thursday on the National Day of Prayer. 
Indeed, we should pray every day.
Keep praying because God is listening and knows your heart...and if you are resting in His love.