Saturday, July 15, 2017

Do trees rejoice? Is there a plea from animals? Can flowers help us to pray? Are ocean depths answers to prayer?

Then all the trees of the forest
will sing for joy;
they will sing before the LORD,
for he comes,
he comes to judge the earth.
Psalm 96:12-13
God's judgment brings the end of sin and suffering. God will have his vengeance and destroy the devil, the father of all evil. Finally, there will be justice. The blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ, God's Son, covers the sins of those who believe. Because of Jesus, believers have reason to sing for joy like the trees of the forest. Maybe it's figurative. But wouldn't it be cool if it were literal? I don't think it's a far reach for God. If he wants the trees to sing, they'll sing.

As I watched, I heard an eagle
that was flying in midair
call out in a loud voice:
"Woe! Woe!
Woe to the inhabitants of the earth,
because of the trumpet blasts
about to be sounded by the other three angels!"
Revelation 8:13
Here's an eagle that talks, like Balaam's talking donkey in Numbers 22:28. Really? Yeah. I don't think it's a far reach for God. If he wants animals to speak, they'll speak. It makes me wonder if we could hear nature's woes? Can ears be sharp enough to hear warnings from creation? What if we got real quiet? Maybe there are times we don't need to be quiet. Nature lets us know, sometimes violently!  (Read Isaiah 7:18...God whistles for flies and bees! Really? Yeah.)

A voice says, "Cry out."
And I said, "What shall I cry?"
"All men are like grass,
and all their glory is like the flowers of the field.
The grass withers and the flowers fall,
because the breath of the LORD
blows on them.
Isaiah 40: 6-7
Flowers fall and their end of time translates to the fact that we don't last forever either on this planet. Through prayer, we call upon our Creator for help to the end of our time on Earth. We trust in the Maker of Jupiter, Mars and all the stars, the first trees, animals, people ...and flowers. Remember the promise at the end of Isaiah 40 that encourages us to hope in the LORD.

You will again have compassion on us;
you will tread our sins underfoot
and hurl all our iniquities
into the depths of the sea.
Micah 7:19

Ocean depths drown our sins. God is able to forgive us of our sins. He made a way by sending His Son to die for our sins. Jesus bore our iniquities on the cruel cross. If we confess our sins, He forgives. If we believe in Christ, we are saved.
Yes, trees rejoice! Animals want us to get it right! Flowers help us pray! Ocean depths will drown sins if we ask God to forgive!

Nature's prayer should be our prayer.
We should honor nature's prayer.

The Bible tells us creation has been frustrated, on purpose, by God. Creation groans. It waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed. (Romans 8:18-25) Can you hear something? Do you notice details around you? Are you watching and waiting? Are you fervently praying?

Who hopes for what she already has? Hope that is seen is no hope at all. But what we don't have yet, we patiently wait for with hope.

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