Two years ago, we picked a lot of blackberries.
It was a good year for them. After work, you could find us up in the field with our containers thoroughly thrilled to be out in the field picking berries. It was therapeutic.
And productive. We ate a lot of blackberry cobbler that winter and remembered those summer days.
I am hoping this year proves fruitful. Last year, there weren't any berries. There are seasons of prosperity and non-prosperity. But God is always in control.
Prayer involves trust.
"Have faith in God," Jesus answered.
Mark 11:22
Bring petitions to the Lord with a believing heart and then trust him with an answer.
Is God trust-worthy?
And I have learned to depend upon His Word!
He who created the whole universe can help little ole me. And he wants to!
What a privilege prayer is to those who walk in faith!
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