Friday, September 1, 2017

Are your winds of prayer changing? Do they reflect your need?

We are, most of the time, selfish. Society promotes self-reliance. But God wants us to call on Him through prayer. He wants us to live a life trusting Him. Can you do it? Can you help others to do it?

"I did it my way." That arrogant claim is not the best sentence. "Lord, may your will be done." That is the better sentence spoken from faith. It requires the ability to get yourself out of the way of God's doing. It requires you to sit in the passenger seat and trust the driver.

For since the creation of the world
God's invisible qualities—
his eternal power and divine nature—
have been clearly seen,
being understood from what has been made,
so that men are without excuse.
Romans 1:20

There is a warning in nature: Arrogance will cost you your soul. Self-reliance is paid in the eternity of Hell. Do you see the warning?

So, repent. Turn. Notice the ferns in the woods, turning in the wind. Repent before it's too late. Repentance is changing your mind about Jesus Christ from rejecting Him to having faith in Him. What He said about Himself is either true or false. It's either a powerful truth graciously handed to us on a silver platter or a big, fat lie.

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth
and the life. No one comes to the Father
except through me."
John 14:6
I trust you have chosen well.
With choice comes obedience. 

Don't you know that when you offer
yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves,
you are slaves to the one whom you obey—
whether you are slaves to sin,
which leads to death,
or to obedience,
which leads to righteousness.
Romans 6:16

Pray for obedience. Pray for wisdom. Ask God for help. Ask for understanding. God answers prayer.
Enjoy the September winds of change as you maintain your prayer life with faith in Christ, the maker of hope.

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