in August, when they start to stridulate.
In summer heat, and for our season’s sake,
match all the buzz cicadas resonate.
Crash cymbals through dark troubles, quick and sharp.
With louder tymbals, drum out jubilee.
Beat sistrums with the angel’s ringing harp
and tap a tune with Heaven’s tympani.
But, I know every tiny abdomen
will, one day, be a chamber passed away.
Yet for my merry soul, a glad ‘amen’
sings out the promise of eternal’s day.
So long as Christ lets voices amplify.
Hannah lifted praises to the one and only God. She rejoiced in God’s salvation and she thanked Him for granting her prayer request. Praying specifically brings about specific joy. Joys aren’t just random things, necessarily. Joys are acknowledging God’s specific working in our lives.
As Hannah continued her prayer, she expressed that God doesn’t like pride. She knew our actions are weighed by God. Wouldn’t the Creator be the one to measure what He created? Hannah knew that someone’s boasting of their own might can be turned around for the one who had stumbled but still trusted God. In our weakness, God can sustain and show His strength. But those who pride themselves on their own merit know less of God’s provision.
Back in chapter one of First Samuel, we read how Hannah, in bitterness of soul, prayed and made a vow to God. When a vow to God is made, it had better be kept. God granted her prayer request to be able to have a baby and she gave her baby up as she vowed she would, keeping her vow. God turned things around from impossible to possible. Those who were full could end up hiring themselves out in order to eat and those who were hungry could end up full. Once barren, Hannah, now overjoyed, went on to give birth to more children while Peninnah, the other wife with many children and who had provoked Hannah, grew feeble. God can turn things topsy-turvy, all because of a prayer request. Sing to the Lord requests, like the crickets chirping in August. Be noisy with joy for answered prayer, like the buzz of cicadas. God can deliver!
Hannah continued her prayer, making acknowledgments gained only by realizing God is all-powerful. She knew first-hand as we can know today. We sense God’s presence as He dwells within us. God, the Holy Spirit, enables us to understand what we didn’t understand before. The list of answered prayers is as important as the original list of requests, showing God’s work.
Hannah continues her prayer. God doesn’t change. God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. We gain knowledge and wisdom in our time. It’s up to us in our generation to seek and find, to draw near, to believe, and to become children of God. Prayer life should be noisy and active. May insects remind us!
Hannah’s prayer ends with this declaring verse:
The boy God gave Hannah would become Samuel who would anoint David as king and who is in the genealogy of Jesus, God’s anointed. We are blessed in our generation to be able to see God’s Word across time. When our almighty Creator will judge the earth, it is best to be covered by the blood of the Lamb.
From her heart, Hannah prayed both earnest requests and thankful praises. We can learn much from this smart, prayer-warrior lady.
The drawn-out season of summer lingers here in my neck of the woods. Let singing crickets and buzzing cicadas remind you to make your requests known and to pray thankful praises for the specific things God has done. He is able to turn sorrow into joy and, by listening to His counsel, help us act toward others in goodness.
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